Old Year, New Year

It’s now 2017 and I’ve not made any resolutions, so this post is not a product of that (just thought I’d mention it). But I got a major urge to blog today, so I am writing this now.

I have started a bullet journaling (it’s a system for planning and journaling – google it) in August and I’ve continued writing it pretty successfully until now, and I want to continue doing that this year. I should note that I’ve never keep a journal/diary consistently for more than a few weeks, so I am quite proud of myself. I’ve filled a cheap cardboard notebook that I got in China, with which I wasn’t afraid of making mistakes and trying new things, so I hope that attitude will transfer to the new one – a shiny yellow Leuchtturm1917 notebook.

When I was abroad I was focusing considerably more on photography that I have since I have returned. I need and want to fix that as soon as possible. And even when I was taking photos and I wasn’t taking them in an organized way, without a concept in mind and without any preparation, and I am not satisfied with it. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with it, but I want to do a bit more.

And I’m going to hopefully return to a higher frequency of blogging. If anyone is willing to comment and tell me what they would like to read, I will buy them flowers. Maybe.

I also still have no idea what I want to do with my life, so let’s hope I figure it out in 2017. Happy New Year!

2 thoughts on “Old Year, New Year”

  1. Write about bad stuff in films and series, it’s always fun to see the terrible things that manage to air.

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